/ / / The Best Subscription Boxes For Kids To Explore The World

The Best Subscription Boxes For Kids To Explore The World

If you are looking for the best gift for kids who want to explore the world, you are sure to find one of these monthly subscription boxes is the perfect fit! Educational and packed with fun activities like crafts, cooking, and science activities plus books and other products that take them on a global adventure from home!

a collage with different subscription boxes for kids

We’ve tried a lot of subscription boxes as we’ve tried to move away from toys and move towards experiences and other fun gifts.

Thankfully our families have both jumped on board (despite some initial reluctance) and have embraced the non-toy focus. Even though we’ve moved to the Netherlands, we can still get some of these amazing subscription boxes!

I’ve found they are a great way to help kids be introduced to new cultures, new foods, and become better aware of the world around them. They are fun for kids AND educational!

Want ideas on how to teach your children to be respectful when learning about the cultures of the world? See my guide on how to teach your children to become world explorers for tips and tricks!

Common questions about subscription boxes for kids

Are subscription boxes worth it?

All of these boxes on the list are ones that we have bought for ourselves or bought as gifts! I’ve tried to make sure I’ve included the positives or negatives we’ve found with each box.

How can I get a free box or a discount on the boxes?

When I can, I’ve tried to include a referral code which usually can get you a discount or free box.

If you sign up to get emails for the box that you want they often will run sales, especially during the holidays.

Which of these subscription boxes are you most excited for?


Want to follow our adventures traveling and living abroad ? Follow Jonesin’ For Taste on Instagram to catch all of our latest adventures? Stop by, send me a DM, and let me know what else you would like to know about being an expat!

Best Subscription Boxes For Kids Wanting To Explore The World

Subscription boxes are a terrific non-toy gift for kids that can not only expand their knowledge of the world but also help them learn valuable cooking skills. Kits like these are also a good group gift for families with multiple children and are fun for the whole family.

Here we will review different boxes, what they come with, the pros and cons of each, and how much they will cost you.

This post contains affiliate links where I earn a small fee when purchases are made through these links. For more info see my disclosure policy.


  1. We did a year of Little Passports for my son and he loved it. Now we’re getting their science version. Getting fun mail is always the best! Now I’m half tempted to get the snacks box.

    1. Glad to hear someone else enjoyed the Little Passports! Getting mail every month is half the fun for the kids which is a great gift that keeps on giving. The snack boxes are so much fun even the smallest box comes with a lot of snacks to try.

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