/ / / Brazilian Culture Virtual Field Trip

Brazilian Culture Virtual Field Trip

This virtual field trip exploring Brazilian culture will take help your children explore the music, dance, and language of Brazil plus so much more. A wonderful addition to a homeschool unit or as part of a fun global education at home.

photo collage with a text graphic in the center with the post title
top picture: a girl holding out the Brazilian flag as it waves in the wind, bottom picture: a row of colorful homes with a rainbow colored decorations along a fence

Brazil is the 5th largest country by area in the world and the 6th largest country by population. It is about the same size as the continental United States (the part of the US without Hawaii or Alaska).

Rich in diversity due to immigration and the legacy of colonialism, there is a great variety of foods, dances, music, and art that makes Brazil unique.

Note for parents: Before you share with your children, listen to the podcast episode Exploring Brazilian Culture and learn more yourself before embarking on an exploration as a family.

Other field trips to enjoy


My country Brazil: https://youtu.be/f028paAX2M0

Brazil country and geography profile: https://youtu.be/VTEJk8vPWFE 


10 fun facts about Carnaval: https://youtu.be/vrsb1EZsVbA

Carnival craft ideas: https://growingupbilingual.com/10-festive-carnaval-crafts-for-kids/

Make a dancer garland: http://make-it-your-own.com/dancer-garland/ 


Nini at Carnival by Errol Llyod: https://amzn.to/2O31EDZ

Read aloud: https://youtu.be/Fi4puBvnfT4 

Marco’s Travels Hello Brazil: https://amzn.to/30dSnLS

Read aloud: https://youtu.be/K0bEjfWGXH4 


Curupira: http://kurupira.net/kurupiraproject/folklore.php

Cartoon: https://youtu.be/gKpiIzfNQA8 


Music and dance

6 music artists to know: https://www.thelatinamericatravelcompany.com/top-six-music-artists-from-brazil/ 

History of Choro: https://youtu.be/EOBSFRrqTvM 

Choro Aventuroso: https://youtu.be/Zes9yQaSwQk 

Samba Reggae class: https://youtu.be/h_W6ho5RW-g 

Bossa Nova: https://youtu.be/1Rhq53sCfRU 

10 traditional dances to know: https://theculturetrip.com/south-america/brazil/articles/10-traditional-brazilian-dances-you-should-know-about/ 

Learn a dance: https://youtu.be/2IhJUl7Qzq4

Capoeira Mini Demo https://youtu.be/lH8OVQ4qO24 


Arroz e feijão recipe: https://braziliankitchenabroad.com/slow-cooker-black-beans-brazilian-style/

Bahia inspired Plantain Stew recipe: https://youtu.be/2_rQveX2wzc 

Street food: https://youtu.be/hhnlckvkS8E 

Brazilian hot dog recipe: https://braziliankitchenabroad.com/brazilian-hot-dogs/ 

Tapioca flatbread pancakes: https://youtu.be/f3AVZyiYsgk 

Make your own: https://www.oliviascuisine.com/authentic-brazilian-recipes/ 

Beijinho de coco: https://braziliankitchenabroad.com/beijinho-de-coco-brazilian-coconut-balls-recipe-with-condensed-milk/ 


Geography Kids about Brazil: https://youtu.be/YDpHuo5TvnA 

States of Brazil song: https://youtu.be/Z_MJZtR3n0I 

Trancoso, Bahia  https://youtu.be/gb8iuB1QK2k 

Christ the redeemer statue facts: https://youtu.be/6Hvv0rHukWo


Learn to speak Portuguese: https://youtu.be/SojLn8UK3Ck

Use Portuguese at home (use codes jonesinfortaste20 off a box and jonesinfortaste5 off the book)

Art and crafts

About Brazilian handicrafts (for older kids): https://soulbrasil.com/brazilian-arts-crafts-a-tradition-handed-down-from-generation-to-generation/ 

Capim Dourado: https://turismo.to.gov.br/en/tourist-regions/encantos-do-jalapao-/main-attractions/mateiros/capim-dourado-craftwork/

Watch it being made and types of products made: https://youtu.be/CZ6HP85KDNo 

Sand art: https://murderiseverywhere.blogspot.com/2011/08/images-in-sand.html

Watch it being made: https://youtu.be/QIEIFhjmI7w 

Make your own sand art with this kit: https://amzn.to/3qcavk1

Clay figurines by Mestre Vitalino: https://streetsmartbrazil.com/meet-mestre-vitalino/

Cloth dolls: https://blackdollcollecting.blogspot.com/2010/03/black-dolls-from-around-world-brazil.html

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