/ / / DIY Felt Food Cookie Sheet

DIY Felt Food Cookie Sheet

DIY Play Cookie Sheet recycle cardboard with foil and hot glue

I made my kids some play food for Christmas and my daughter especially loved the felt cookie set I made her. When she went to play with it though she was upset because she had no way to “cook” them. I found a couple pieces of cardboard to give her to be a cookie sheet and she was happy but I wanted it to look more real because that’s half the fun.

I finally got around to it last week and I love how it turned out. Now I just need to find her some pots and pans because we don’t have any of that either. Whoops!

If you have any recommendations on cute (and inexpensive) play cookware let me know!

I will apologize now for the step by step photos. I don’t have a cute craft area so I took them at my glass kitchen table. You’ll have to survive with my toes making random appearances and my smudgy glass.



corrugated cardboard

extra thick card stock

hot glue

DIY Cookie Sheet (2)


I sandwiched a piece of corrugated cardboard in between 2 pieces of really thick card stock to give it a little bit more strength. I had enough supplies to make 2 cookie sheets. I get the card stock with my fliers from 31 so I just used that. Cereal cardboard is the same thickness so you could use that.

Start by hot gluing one piece of card stock to your corrugated cardboard. Cut off the excess card stock. Cut those sections off. Then glue a second piece of card stock to the opposite side so your corrugated is sandwiched in between layers of card stock. You will have a section of card stock and cardboard that don’t overlap.

DIY Cookie Sheet (3) DIY Cookie Sheet (4)

Tear off a piece of foil that is long enough for you to wrap your cardboard in.
DIY Cookie Sheet (7)

Fold over the first side and hot glue down. Fold over the second side and hot glue that down.

DIY Cookie Sheet (8)


You’ll have extra foil on the ends. I just folded in the corners and folded them up like you would wrap a present and hot glue that down. The layers of foil that you haven’t hot glued will stick up so hot glue each layer together so it doesn’t rip.

DIY Cookie Sheet (11)

Do the same to both sides and make sure there are no edges sticking up and hot gluing as needed.

DIY Cookie Sheet (12)

And that’s it. It only took about 15 minutes to make 2 of these cute cookie sheets and I love how they are the perfect size to fit into our little play kitchen and to make multiple batches of cookies!

And if you need the tutorial for the felt cookies you can find those here.

DIY Play Cookie Sheet recycle cardboard with foil and hot glue


If you need more felt crafts you might like my Disney Felt Potato Heads and Mr & Mrs Potato Heads


  1. I use the dollar store mini silver platters, for my cookie sheets. Also, sew a heart cookie.Make a small slit in top. Turn inside out. Put foam sheet inside.add your frosting on top& hanpd sew. This makes your heart pretty.

  2. brilliant idea and so easy to do! loving the cookie sheet upcycle and those cookies you made are too awesome! You could cover some bowls with the tinfoil (for a metal pan) or if you like enamel ware, cover the outside of the bowl one color, inside in white – for a pot. If you glued on some handles first, that might work? Thanks for linking to the creative craft challenge!

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