Free Printable- Hold On Thy Way Scripture Quote Poster
“Hold on thy way for God shall be with you forever and ever.” Download this free printable scripture quote to use as an inspirational poster or handout.
With all of the chaos of our world lately it’s been kind of a downer to read the news, hear the debates, deal with just my regular life, and still try to keep a positive outlook. I woke up this morning feeling tired and worn out and seeing the headlines even more down.
I decided to read a talk from the Latter Day Saint General Conference. We have them in print and as I opened up to one it was a talk by Elder Koichi Aoyagi called Hold On Thy Way.
In it he talks about trials and how we need to place God first and trust Him. Although I have read Elder Aoyagi’s talk before it hit me anew today and was what I needed to hear.
Elder Aoyagi quotes a passage from Doctrine and Covenants 122: 7,9 which also happens to be a scripture that my then fiance shared with me when I was drowning in wedding planning, finals, prepping for a 10 day trip to Europe, and the reality of him leaving me for basic training right after we got married a week after I returned back from Europe.
The quote basically says “hold on thy way for God shall always be with you.”
So I decided to create something I could post by my nightstand as a reminder that I am never alone and to never lose hope. I hope you can also find a bright spot during this week!
How to use this printable
This printable is designed in an 8 by 10 format. You can print it smaller by selecting a different size when printing such as printing more to a page or if your photo program allows choosing an alternative size like 5 by 7 etc.
Feel free to use this as a handout for your seminary, Sunday school, or youth or adult class.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful poster for Doctrine & Covenants 122:7,9. I teach seminary and printed off copies for my students. Such a powerful message.