Little Passport Craft Discovery Kit Review
Wondering if the Little Passports Craft Discovery Kit is worth it? I’m sharing my honest opinions about the kit we got as well as sharing additional Easter egg activities that you can do with your kids.
We’ve gotten Little Passports kits before and have loved them so I was excited when they asked if we wanted to try out their new box, Craft Discovery kit. The kits pair seasonally relevant DIY crafts with learning activities that trigger kids’ curiosities about art, science, geography, and culture.
The kit we got to try was the Easter Egg Discovery box. The box included tattoos to use on the eggs, a basket weaving activity, and information about different Easter egg traditions around the world.
The box is designed for kids ages 5-8 but we did the kit with our kids who age from 14 to 3 and everyone enjoyed the project.
Of course, my favorite part was learning about different traditions around the world! The booklet gives just a little bit of info about the traditions but if you want to learn more scroll on down to the additional resources section below.
I have a beautiful egg ornament that I got on a trip in Hungary that reminds me of the dyed eggs from Ukraine called pysanky. We also used to have an egg tree that we would decorate which was styled after the German tradition of Ostereierbaum.
It was fun to see those highlighted and give our kids something to connect with.
We had a fun discussion with the kids about how much time and effort would go into decorating eggs in these different manners, as opposed to our simple method of dying our eggs with a store bought kit (not that there’s anything wrong with that!).
Then we tried doing the tattoos on our dyed eggs. And I do mean tried. I’ve never been great at those temporary tattoos for kids so I was a little concerned about how it would go on the eggs.
Unfortunately, our lack of skill resulted in some lackluster tattoos on our eggs but our kids didn’t seem to mind too much- thank goodness!
My little boys loved helping me with making the basket and have happily played with it since. So I took the win for what it was.
Overall, it was such a fun project for our family and reminded me of how much we do enjoy doing activities like this. It’s often easy to get caught up in the Instagram perfection of holiday activities but just enjoying spending time with my family, laughing and learning is so invaluable.
Would I order a Craft Discovery kit again? Absolutely. Will I keep my expectations low on results when doing them with my kids? Also, absolutely 😅😂
Don’t miss out on additional activities you can do with your family down below!
Additional resources
If you want to dive further into other egg traditions when doing the Easter egg discovery kit, check out the book, Beautiful Eggs- a journey through decorative traditions around the world! It doesn’t do a deep dive on any particular tradition but it does cover a variety of traditions that can give you something to jump from to learn more.
I also found these other books that would be fun to read with your children, either while doing the activity or as a supplement:
- Rechenka’s Eggs by Patricia Polacco
- The Egg Tree by Katherine Milhous
- The Cucuy Stole My Cascarones by Spelile Rivas
- Confetti Eggs Cascarones by Jane Tenorio-Coscarelli
Here are a few coloring books that could be fun if you want to delve deeper into the Pysanky tradition:
- Pysanky Ukrainian coloring book for adults
- Pysanky Anti-stress coloring book (looks like simpler patterns so better for younger kids)
If you want to try your hand at some of the techniques featured you can find tutorials for them here: